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New hedges flourish across London – could you plant the next one?

By deliar
29th October 2024

Almost 3,000 metres of new or restored hedgerows are flourishing across London, thanks to community groups supported by CPRE London.

Schools, friends groups and neighbourhood teams helped with the planting through 2024, enabling us to exceed our target for restoring hedgerows.

Hedgerows act as biodiversity hotspots within their local community. They also strengthen the health and wellbeing of local residents through improvements in air quality and a reduction in noise pollution.

And the impact goes beyond the natural environment, with the project helping drive community engagement and promote green skills.

Over 2023/24, our hedgerow heroes project

  • Planted new or restored hedgerows in 29 locations
  • Restored or planted nearly 3,000m of hedgerow
  • Engaged more than 1,000 volunteers
  • Involved 85 trainers and leaders
  • Engaged 29 friends groups

Hedgerow Heroes enhanced the green spaces of local communities, restoring or creating new hedgerows in 29 locations across London.

Chance to develop skills

Hedgerow Heroes has provided individuals with personal development and educational opportunities. Notably, a young hedgelaying apprentice was able to use these sessions to gain valuable training and experience, and further develop their skills.

With enough experience they will potentially be able to lead other volunteer groups in hedgelaying, a great example of how the past year’s events are laying the foundations for the future of London’s hedgerows.

Future challenges

After the success of this year, we have ambitious plans for 2024/25.

  • We want to support community-led planting of 2,000 metres of new hedgerow and restore a further 100- 200 metres of hedgerow
  • Deliver three skill building sessions related to hedgerow surveying, hedgerow planting, laying and maintenance
  • Offer two hedgerow walks to help more people understand the importance and value of hedgerows.

See the full report here Hedgerow Hero Progress Report Official

Could you use a hedge in your local park, green space or boundary land? Contact us today!